We share our decisions on project applications here. You can search for decisions based on company, location, project type, application number, resource, date, or other keyword.
To find project applications submitted to us within the last 30 days, see our Public Notice of Application page. To find other types of decisions, visit the Decisions page.
If we’ve already made a decision on an application, and you believe that you may be directly and adversely affected by this decision, you might be eligible to request an appeal. Learn more about our regulatory appeal process.
Application under the provisions of the Pipeline Act to amend an existing licence for a Natural Gas pipeline with 0 mol\kmol hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
18-034-10W4M,08-034-10W4MApplication under the provisions of the Pipeline Act to amend an existing licence for a Natural Gas pipeline with 0 mol\kmol hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
19-034-10W4M,18-034-10W4MApplication under the provisions of the Pipeline Act to amend an existing licence for a Natural Gas pipeline with 0 mol\kmol hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
15-034-06W4M,14-034-06W4MApplication under the provisions of the Pipeline Act to amend an existing licence for a Natural Gas pipeline with 0 mol\kmol hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
15-034-06W4MApplication under the provisions of the Pipeline Act to construct and operate a pipeline carrying Natural Gas with 9.99 mol\kmol hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
22-070-04W4M,21-070-04W4MApplication under the provisions of the Pipeline Act to amend an existing licence for a Natural Gas pipeline with 0 mol\kmol hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
14-036-03W5M,06-036-02W5MApplication under the provisions of the Pipeline Act to construct and operate a pipeline carrying Natural Gas with 9.99 mol\kmol hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
22-070-04W4M,21-070-04W4MApplication under the provisions of the Pipeline Act to amend an existing licence for a Natural Gas pipeline with 0 mol\kmol hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
12-038-03W5M,07-038-02W5MApplication under the provisions of the Pipeline Act to construct and operate a pipeline carrying Natural Gas with 9.99 mol\kmol hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
22-070-04W4MApplication under the provisions of the Pipeline Act to amend an existing licence for an Oil-Well Effluent pipeline with 100 mol\kmol hydrogen sulphide (H2S).